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The peppers and rare vegetables online shop from Hyogo,Japan.

Hot Lemon (Lemon Drop)


C baccatum Lemon Drop Very hot lemon flavoured and scented chili pepper, suitable for drying and freezing, Green fruits up to 5cm long mature to yellow.

This is something very special! Hot Lemon produces 2.5inch long tapering chillies that ripen to a bright glossy yellow. The name doesn't come from the colour though - it comes from the wonderfully citrus-lemony aroma and taste. Great in any recipe where you want some extra fruity tang. Plants produce 2.5inch long tapering chiles that ripen to a bright glossy yellow.

Sold Out
  • Product Number: V726 rus1758
  • Shipping Weight: 0.082lbs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Heat Level: !! 激辛 !!

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 01 February, 2012.

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