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The peppers and rare vegetables online shop from Hyogo,Japan.



The Jalapeno is one of the best known peppers and is widely used in the catering industry given its excellent flavour. It is named after the city of Xalapa in Mexico, interestingly where they are no longer grown although they are still extensively grown throughout other regions in Mexico. In Mexico, Jalapenos are called Cuaresmenos. The standard Jalapeno produces 3" thick walled fruits which ripen from green to red. They are usually eaten in the green stage, fresh or pickled, but when allowed to ripen, jalapeños are amazingly sweet. Used extensively in Mexico on nachos, the rest of the world on Pizza's and the US in pepper eating contests! 2500-10000 Scoville units.

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  • Product Number: V170 rus751
  • Shipping Weight: 0.102lbs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Heat Level: ! 辛口 !

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 27 March, 2012.

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