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The peppers and rare vegetables online shop from Hyogo,Japan.

Peter Pepper Yellow


The Yellow Peter Pepper (capsicum annum) is very rare. Like it's Red relative the Yellow Peter Pepper is shaped like a male sex organ. It's origin is believed to be Appalachia, United States. The heat level of Peter Peppers is somewhat hotter than a jalapeno. The Yellow Peter Pepper's heat level is slightly lower than the Red Peter pepper. People grow these mostly for their novelty, but Peter Peppers have a good hot pepper flavor that is good for most spicy dishes and salsas.

Sold Out
  • Product Number: RFch026
  • Shipping Weight: 0.072lbs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Heat Level: !! 激辛 !!

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 11 January, 2012.

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